THE UNTOLD VIEWS BEHIND IZKULTURA: A Desire to Write...Finally, Fearless and with Purpose!

"The spider-mind acquires a faculty of memory, and, with it, a singular skill of analysis and synthesis, taking apart and putting together in different relations the meshes of its trap. Man had in the beginning no power of analysis or synthesis approaching that of the spider, or even of the honey-bee; but he had acute sensibility to the higher forces."

                                                                                -Henry Brooke Adams on "Force"

DEFINITION AND TERMINOLOGY. When I launched the name "izkultura" few years ago, close friends of mine asked me why "izkultura"!  Then I answered, "I am fascinated with sculpture as a discipline and I am totally an advocate of culture preservation and conservation. It is in fact, the new trend of our time and a must since there are things around us that are facing extinction..." I further explained my coined words as "iz" came from the word "izkultor" meaning "sculptor"  and the word "kultura" meaning "culture".  Tricky though, it also gave me the freedom to write anything that would be relating to "culture" and "arts". Thus, "izkultura" came to birth!

IZKULTURA WHO? "The sculpture is among us!  It is in your heart and soul!"Constant in his phase, impatient and temperamental...but it is only a swing of his own mood! "Mirror, mirror, who is the fairest of us all?"

THE DIFFERENCE BEFORE AND NOW. When it was launched in the Panay News 3-4 years ago, it was purposely for travel, tourism, events and others.  It was lay-outed fabulously by a friend JP Cadiz, my editor. Before I found it as simply expository in nature and less substance for the sake of publication only.  With my face on it, I tried to work what is expected on me.  Along the way, it gave me the meaning of a little fame and prestige...yes, it was THEN!  TODAY, is far different and I could say mature and braver!  Izkultura has now became more fearless and writing with purpose living the ideals of my class, "Les Cummuniquer Christienne 1996" of St. Paul's College-Iloilo. And that is to "become an initiator of change in the lives of men".  Thus, defining more of a commitment on Christian ideals but delivering the betterment for my audience.  Amusing though,  those people around me who knows me well would probably asked, "Why on earth are you doing this? This "churvas" and "eklats"?   Have you been drugged in an overdose? Or have you met an accident damaging your brain?" Duh, of course not, there are things in our lives that some moment; when we are touched by wisdom; we have a sudden change of perspective and views in our lives...we become convicted to the least belief that we become positive and good!

UNBORN STORY.  It is tempting to tell a story about why I became like this lately. Why I tried to find ways to influence other people of my writing.  Why I became fearless in my writing without thinking the consequences of it in the whole-wide world.  I will tell you what are beneath the cloak of izkultura!  You see, I am fond of doing list so instead of writing my story allow me to give you a listing that have probably made up my whole being. I am listing this not to flaunt but rather to give you a one-stop glimpse of who I am...TODAY! I hope you will enjoy the whole dash when you finish discerning the components of me...(In a bat of an eyelash, some would think that this is only another Gervin Acedre's stint to gain more allies, trust, connections and confidantes! To hell, as long that I know the truth, of who I am and what I want today and tomorrow...I care for no one...except those who when I was down lifted me up and gave me chances to regain myself again for the nth time...I know I have is a new beginning to prove that God has never left me along the way!  He knows I could be an instrument of change for everyone!Dead mah! ) 

LISTAHAN  GALORE!  Caution:  The making of this does not require cooking but intelligible thinking...presented to let you enjoy your mental palate! Hope, compassion, love, peace and trust be found at the end...Faith is constant in the process!  I have never loss all of it though at some instance I was darkened by vices and naughtiness but inherently it is not in the nature of evil at all!  So, served in golden plate, read on!

 Physical Encasement:       Contributed through biological process done 
                                       by my parents, Antonio and Antonia Acedre. 
                                       Location: Unknown  
                                       Duration of Process: Unknown  
                                       Results:  Standard Human 
                                       Occurrence:  September 5, 1973

Mental and Emotional Components: (Measurement and doses vary depending on absorption, exposure, retention and coping mechanism.  The writer listed what is consumable in the time being. Others were edited for the purpose of secrecy and uniqueness prescribed by the Universal Law.  Cloning is totally prohibited!)

  • Educational Attainment.  Important ingredient prescribed by social and anthropological perspectives.  The subject has been exposed and processed accordingly making him capable to address needs and wants until adulthood. Graduated with a degree and soon after process be graduating from his masters.  Level:  Standard
  • Family Experiences.  Considered to be verbally abused.  Discriminated because of sexual preference.  The father had suppressed dreams and ambitions by not supporting personal goals and objectives.  Though materially supported, since parents were exposed to business, failed to be emotionally independent.  Intense longing for somebody to be identified with, belong with and love with is high.  Considered less adaptable and capable of surviving the demands of direct family issues and concerns. Less communicative in the family because he is suffering from ge neralization, constant bandwagon and most importantly less trust.  Less trust is attributed to the subject's past falling but support on the part of the immediate family members. The subject considered the experiences as "haunting" and "suppressing" but have coped because of inner belief and freedom!  Level: Less than High but never Low
  • Betrayal.  Considered to be exposed to multiple betrayal.  First experience betrayal when mom read secretly his diary and scolded with the content in front of his father.  Inflicted verbal abused when father equated his existence to the word failure, problem and all that are related to the terms mentioned.  Had been compared and pushed competitively with sister neglecting his own individuality and mental capacity!  As a domino effect on relationship, failed in personal relationship many times and more often ended up violently.  As recorded, punched with a stone in his back in almost 360 degrees ending up two fractured ribs at the back but survived and went back to person again in the name of forgiveness.  Betrayed again and blag...ended!  The latest in the listing, was the ending of family tie between him and sister.  Recent status: Single child without a parent!  The alleged sister invested on a gay distant cousin leaving him penniless on his last days, bitterly pushing that the subject was jealous of the situation. Sister continuously poisoning relatives with the father's blessing for reason of protective measures. Subject address this component as a challenged for preservation of respect and human dignity.  Level:  Median but coping!
  • Survival Instinct. Creative and resourceful, managed to use and try to go back to the last falling.  Motivated himself to become maturely competent, fearless in decision and humanely adherent to the rule " do good and good will go back to you!"...still managing to find reasons for surviving...but still goes to the flow in God's blessing!
  • Affection.  Presently loved by one family who still trusted him without reservation.  Supporting his falling and continuously blooming because of the love, care and faith...unspoken!  Affection is given to the subject enlivening the values of positivism.  No conditions given but letting the subject claim a commitment of change for good and betterment...
TOUCHING?! Hope my list touches you at all! (Bisan wala kamot!)  Anyway, if you underwent some grueling thing in the past you promise to yourself that you will never go back to that again.  I thought I would ever survived all of that but at the end...I did!  I sacrificed many relationships already but at the end, of those sacrificed, still there are loyal ones who are willing to caress you without questions...all they know you are still the Gervin Acedre at the end...As Boss Dado from GMA have mentioned. "at the end of the day, kita man gali gihapon ang mag-updanay!"  Just that it...never put and end on something...people changes, as time changes maybe when they return they have something for the better...Let's start anew!  Oops!  Am I insinuating something here again?  Please cut it off though...

LAST KICK-OFF! On writing, I really hate writing since...I just hate it so much that I ended up writing at all!  Now I remember one adage, " things you want very much will not be given unto you, until, you prove it that you deserve it...!" I wonder, I wanted to have a doll before that I intensely cried claiming it as a gift for a girl friend...they just don't know...I wanted it for myself!  Now, my desire for writing is intense...more intense...I hope I could not see things that would inspire me tomorrow ...or in the future!

QUESTION.  Do you know who am I this time, folks?   Just write your commentum est! (Comments!) 

"When there is affection,
Never go into business together.
If you have to, never borrow.
If you have lent, willingly forget it."
(on "Business")